Dating cuban cigar boxes

Dating > Dating cuban cigar boxes

There are a number of factors to take into datin in estimating when an old cigar box was first filled with cigars. Ironically, as printing technology grew more sophisticated and capable, graphics simplified. Earlier artwork was simpler, less nuanced, not as vivid; later artwork photo offset showed more solid colours, but was untextured and left more white space. See for where to find information and examples. If labels are signed by their lithographers, it is possible to learn when they were at work. See for ucban about union labels. The great majority of boxes prior to 1925 were made of datinf wood, most of it exposed. After 1920, as a cost saving measure, boxes were made of cheaper grades of wood and covered completely with paper; or made of cardboard—sometimes printed to imitate or recall the look of wood.

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